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Rollin Berlin 
–– A decision-making web application that offers activity recommendations in Berlin.



Design • UX • UI • Development • Frontend

p5.js • Javascript • HTML • CSS • Git

This is a simple web-based game built using the p5.js and p5.sound.min.js libraries. The game takes place in the streets of Berlin. A skateboarder rolls through the city of Berlin and has to avoid E-Scooters and poops and accumulate points by collecting the other objects that appear in the city.

My role

As the designer and developer of this web-based game, my role involved utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the p5.js and p5.sound.min.js libraries, to create an interactive  smooth gaming experience set in the streets of Berlin.


The goal is to provide entertainment and engagement to players as they control a skateboarder navigating the city, avoiding E-Scooters and poops, and collecting various objects to accumulate points. The increasing speed of the objects over time adds more challenge to the gameplay.